G-Force Consulting Inc.
Expert witness with 30+ years experience designing and troubleshooting ATVs, ROVs, UTVs, Snowmobiles and motorcycles
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Leading writers and editors from around the world turn to Gary Gustafson for expert insights on companies, technologies and markets. Click on any of the logos to read about media coverage that Gary has been involved in. Media outlets for G-Force Consulting coverage have included ATV.com, Powersports Business, The Globe and Mail, Grand Forks Herald, Bear Hunting Magazine, Snowtech Magazine, Wards Automotive, Dirt Trax and Supertrax.com, Outdoor News, LinkedIn, ATVriders.com, Texas Trophy Hunters, Bowhunting World, American Snowmobiler, realtree.com, and many more. Gary's been described as a "word monster" who can convey meaning very succinctly. For example, in Wards Automotive Mr. Gustafson explained how Automotive Suppliers may be able to achieve growth in the powersports industry once they understand how the industry works.The Globe and Mail interviewed Mr. Gustafson about prospects for growth with Can-Am's three-wheeled roadster the Spyder -- predictions that came true with the Ryker launch. The Grand Forks Herald interviewed Gary about Arctic Cat's future (pre-Textron). In Powersports Business blogs, Mr. Gustafson has written about using Additive Manufacturing and connected vehicle technology to grow business and also offered tips for start-up companies. Snowtech and other publications have lauded the legacy of G-Force Consulting in technologies such as lighting, instrumentation and transmission shifting. ATV.com published Mr. Gustafson's views on Mega-trends in the ATV industry that foretold many of today's market drivers. Outdoor News interviewed Mr. Gustafson about the trend toward Hybrid UTVs.