G-Force Consulting Inc.
Expert witness with 30+ years experience designing and troubleshooting ATVs, ROVs, UTVs, Snowmobiles and motorcycles
Unmatched expertise.
Measurable results.
The powersports industry operates by a different set of rules. Motorcycles, UTVs, ATVs and Snowmobiles have unique design requirements, unique regulations, unique use cases and unique diagnostic challenges. The distribution channel is also unique. Contact us today to provide expert assistance for litigation.
Expert Services for Plaintiffs and Defendants

Expert Witness
Gary Gustafson, President of G-Force Consulting Inc, serves as an expert witness in cases involving ATVs, UTVs, Snowmobiles or Motorcycles. Particular areas of expertise include: the powersports market, technology, electrical system failures, intellectual property, product development, unique characteristics about the industry, best practices, and more. Please use the Contact Us page on this website to reach out.

Design, Validation and Root Cause Analysis of ATV, Snowmobile and Motorcycle systems
Root cause analysis of catastrophic failures
CAN bus failures
Accelerated Life Testing
Application of best practices
SAE, ANSI - SVIA, etc. certification testing
Equipment engaged includes: OEM dealer diagnostic tools, Yokogawa scopecorder, Lester high-capacity discharge station for electric vehicles, industrial thermometers, multimeters, and other equipment

Strategic Planning and Keynote Speaking
Help your staff understand the powersports industry. Understand new product opportunities. Brainstorm solutions that are new to the industry. Gain an expert understanding of the market including pricing, customer needs, margins and competitors' strengths and weaknesses. Strategic planning and keynote speaking by Gary Gustafson will be an experience you and your employees will benefit from for years to come.

Primary Market Research
"Don't judge a man by his answers, judge him by his questions." Voltaire
Attending events, riding, observing and surveying other riders and dealers with a trained eye and ear. Maintaining contact by phone with the leading dealers for each brand. The art of asking the right questions is a skill that takes years to develop. It is also important to distinguish between the necessity of providing Data, Analytics and expert Insights for decision-making purposes. For an in-depth look at how to obtain best-in-class primary market research regarding products in the Motorcycle, ATV, UTV, Snowmobile or Personal Water Craft markets click here: Learn More